Sea Kayaking Coaching in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and the East Coast

Advanced Sea Kayak Surfing

Metomkin Inlet Folley Creek Road, Accomac, VA, United States

Take your sea kayak surfing to the next level with our Acceleration Weekend. This two-day event lets you focus on intermediate and advanced sea kayak surfing skills. The first day […]

Developing Unconscious Competence – Ocean City Portion

Ocean City Ocean City, MD, United States

I'm working with Cross Currents Sea Kayaking to teach the Ocean City portion of Rick's Developing Unconscious Competence series.  The Ocean City portion will focus on tides, currents and surf.  […]

Intro to Sea Kayak Surfing

Metomkin Inlet Folley Creek Road, Accomac, VA, United States

This is a great starter weekend for learning how to surf your sea kayak.  We'll go beyond surf zone strategies and learn how to brace in the surf, identify surfable […]

Intermediate and Advanced Surfing

Metomkin Inlet Folley Creek Road, Accomac, VA, United States

This two-day course lets you focus on intermediate and advanced sea kayak surfing skills. The first day will focus on specific skills in a logical progression. Day two will involve […]


Kiptopeke Sea Kayaking Symposium

Kiptopeke State Park 3540 Kiptopeke Dr,, Cape Charles, VA, United States

Multiple instructors, great lodges and fantastic instruction and students.  Visit the Cross Currents Sea Kayaking website for full details and to register.

Coaching Enhancement Workshop

Metomkin Inlet Folley Creek Road, Accomac, VA, United States

We are really excited to offer this two-day course that has been developed by Rick Wiebush and Tom Noffsinger to help other ACA and BCU instructors enhance and expand their […]
